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Double Hung Windows

Windows let in the air and light into homes. Windows are integral parts of a house. In fact, a house with no windows cannot be considered a house. Also, windows allow a person to get a glimpse of the outside world. There are many styles and designs of windows. One of the most popular types is the double hung window. They are well-loved for their modern style but classic and elegant appearance.

What is a Double Hung Window?

Double hung windows are noticeably longer in height than in width. They can be made of various materials. The most common double hung materials are vinyl, fiberglass, aluminum, and wood. Many homeowners prefer this type of window, because the size produces better ventilation, compared to other types. It has a versatile design, which can easily fit, within any theme. It will work with a Victorian era theme, or contemporary design ideas. Most residential projects also use this window for their housing projects. It is easy to install. It is also a sure consumer hit.

Double hung windows are composed of two, smaller windows. The upper one slides downwards, and the lower one slides upwards. The two small windows can both move up and down. This window also offers excellent ventilation. Some of the sashes can be totally removed, rotated, and also lifted for better cleaning. Some people opt to add screens and dividers. The design of double hung can vary significantly, depending on a person's preference.

Types of Double Hung Windows

  1. Standard double hung windows. These are rectangular and can be found in various sizes, but most are longer in height than in width. There are different models, with removable parts, which make the task of cleaning them much easier.
  2. Another famous design is the round top double hung window. Instead of the usual shape, the upper window has a round shape. The frame has the same cut, as the window. It has a more sophisticated look, compared to the usual shape. It is quite expensive to cut the glass. To get this look, without spending the same price, what the manufacturers do is modify the look of the window, by arching the casing. It has the same look, but half the price.

Double Hung Window Parts

Double hung windows, being one of the most popular, and one of the most commonly seen in houses today, consists of many parts.

  1. Muntins: These are the window frame's tiny parts. Their purpose is to hold the window panes, in the correct place.
  2. Jambs: These can be found on the sides of the window frame. Their purpose is to guide the windows, as they move on the rails.
  3. Sash: There are two types of sashes. The one located, on the top part of the double-hung window, is the upper sash. The one located, on the bottom, is the lower sash.
  4. Sill: This is where the window rests, when it closes. This is the part exposed to the outside forces of nature.

Cleaning Double Hung

Double hung windows are not only aesthetically appealing, to the eye. They are also remarkably easy to clean. It is why most people prefer them. Windows must be removed, for proper cleaning. It is extremely relevant to be exceedingly careful, when removing the windows. The windows can be cleaned, by using plain water, or by a solution.

The frames should be wiped, by using paper towels or lint-free cloth. Make sure that every single inch of the window and frame is covered. The interior, the frame, and all parts should be thoroughly cleaned. This will keep windows looking beautiful and clean.

Double Hung Prices

Windows are play roles, within the house, and should not be neglected. They contribute to the overall look of the house. The versatility of the double hung windows makes them a favorite, in most households. This window can be costly. However, a person can save some cash, if he knows where to look for a good deal.

First, get several price quotes, before deciding on installing double hung windows. It is not an agreeable idea to get windows installed, without even having a couple of different bids, as pricing can vary dramatically. Many factors come into consideration, when asking for a price quote. Each house is unique from the each other. There are a number of things that will influence the price of the windows and installation. People living in the northern part of the country or in cold regions, will benefit a lot if they get windows with thicker panes. This can be a little pricey. However, the energy savings will more than make up for the additional cost. When it comes to cost, nobody should ever pay a greater sum than $600, for each window. This amount is for the window, only. It does not include installation.

Most cities have contractors, who can install windows easily. It is particularly beneficial to canvass at least five vendors for prices and quality, before deciding on a contractor. Chances are, only three of the five vendors will submit reliable bids. The other two may not want to take on the job or may not be able to perform the work, within the time frame desired.

Another piece of advice relates to window price versus window quality. Not all expensive windows have high quality. Not all high-quality windows are expensive. Friends can be a terrific source of information. It might also be helpful to ask a neighbor, who has terrific windows. They love compliments and provide additional tips for selecting a vendor.

Online research can yield terrific results, as well. Great bargains can be found online. A person, who wishes to save a couple of bucks, may be able to uncover a deal on overstock windows, or coupons good towards the purchase of specific manufacturer brands.

Repairing Double Hung Windows

No matter how often they are cleaned and how well they are maintained, double hung windows will eventually need to be replaced. This can be a costly inconvenience. However, window replacement needs to be tended to immediately, to prevent further damage, and ensure safety. People, who have an inclination for do-it-yourself projects, will be excited with the idea of repair. This can be an exciting endeavor, if a person has the right tools. People, who are not into these types of projects, or are not that confident in their abilities, should just opt to have professionals do the repair. Professionals may cost some money, but they can surely get the job done.

Some of the most common problems with double hung are that they do not open, or they refuse to stay open. These problems are caused by broken hardware. A simple replacement should fix it. Warped frames can also be a culprit. For windows which have been shut by paint, the best fix is to use a putty knife, around the perimeter. This helps set the window free. Other people use a prying bar. Old windows are best replaced, by new ones.

Repairing double hung windows require a lot of prying. It is absolutely important that the tools are ready. Just like with any other projects, safety should be kept in mind. Some of the materials used to repair are a pry bar, hammer, screwdriver and utility knife. Again, if a person is not up to the task, it is best to contact professional and licensed vendors.

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